“Ok.. this stuff is awesome... I think you just dethroned a couple of other companies as my favorite MDF terrain. ”
Sector: Magneticus. 2D Corridor walls, converts into 3D. Fully magnetized. Click here to check it out.
Our company was born in 2017 from a Kickstarter, and we’ve been proudly serving the hive ever since.
Purchase sets via this website for Digital Download.
For physical, laser cut products:
USA: Lasercraft Workshop
Canada: Fenhaven Manufactorium
AUS / NZ: Scorched Earth Terrain
“Swell guy, he refunded me the shipping cost that was mistakenly charged during Black Friday and I didn’t even ask! The quality of the set is amazing, shipping was unexpectedly fast, and the terrain is designed ingeniously. Will be buying from Promethium Forge again!”
“I got in on the Kickstarter for the large set that you see pictured, and it was fantastic. It also holds the distinction of being the only KS that I’ve backed to ever come in early.”